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Welcome to cvr project!

Developers, End Users/Desktop

This is cvr.
It is (will be) a current versioning system for R workspaces. It logs any command which modifies the R workspace (modifications are detected by the md5 hash of the R workspace).
Users can then read the history of the transformations done, plot a flowchart, or rewind to any step in time. Each command can also be tagged by a comment.

The project summary page you can find here.

As an image is worth a thousand words, here is an example of a structures session:

(grey is where you started the session, red is where you are now. Each number corresponds to a "session state")

You can go forward and backwards in the session (here I went back 1 step, as if I hit the cancel button):

after a while things get complicated, but you'll still se a nice overview of your session history...

January 22: great improvement in the cvrgraph function!! Look at how it was (left) and how it is (right)!